
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

After the Scolding and Anger of Parents (State of the Heart, From the Pen of the Editor What I Saw, Heard and Thought)

Ubqari Magazine - April 2016

Readers! All the people who contact me through letters and appointments, they are all tormented. An affluent person seldom comes to me. If sorrows are counted and compared, then the pain of offspring is top of the list. The agony of offspring has grown beyond limits. And the life is drenched in the agony of offspring more than that can be imagined. A person tries to do a lot for children, and especially for sons. And the same sons become a trouble for life and a cause of senility before old age, then every thing gets messed up. Where its reasons are the Internet and mobile and they have an enormous effect, at the same time the attitude of the parents affects greatly. Parents themselves want that they be respected, the society, relatives, family and especially children should respect them, but they do not know that the children also have self respect. If a camel is beaten badly, the camel seeks vengeance even after many years. These incidents are well known. So we learn that even an animal has self esteem. Then why does the human being not have it? Undue severity with children, yes, restrictions are important. But harshness should never be there. And undue hatred, scolding them every moment, pinpointing them every moment, and arguing with them every moment. Where it is a cause of creating endless psychological problems and issues, at the same time it provokes them for rebellion, hatred and to disdain the parents internally. Then some times, it becomes apparent in the form of disobedience. This thing grows inside continuously inside. And sometimes this hatred and disdain turns into self hatred. And the human being considers himself as the most inferior and worst person of the society and makes the whole world his enemy, or considers it so. I am presenting two letters to you. Would you like to think that each and every word of these letters would torment the heart and tears, sobs, or at least cold sighs would be released. Would you be able to manage your courage after reading these letters? So read. Please! Father or mother should either correct or change their attitude, way of speaking, style and grooming, otherwise the result is in front of you. Where are you taking your generations.Now I am telling you my details. That is that my mother gets very angry. And she curses a lot when she is angry. And she cools her anger on me. I try a lot that I do not say anything to her, but I cannot tolerate. And I say many things to her unwillingly. And father also listens to everything what she says. And upon her insistence he also scolds me on little things. I am fed up of both of them. I do not want to stay with them. Please do not consider me wrong. But I really do not want to live with them. They do whatever they like about every matter. And I do not like that. I want to leave the house and go away, or at least finish myself. I fight a lot with my mother. We had a severe quarrel one month ago. And I became angry and ate sleeping pills and had my stomach washed afterwards. So I do not want to live with them. Daily fights have disturbed my mind. I have a strange tension all the time. And the next month I have exams too, I cannot prepare for them even as I wish to do so.Readers! Please consider another letter: Doctors tell me that I am a psychological patient. And I am fed up of taking psychiatric medicines. There are two reasons for my illness. Either I become quiet or I become too active. In silence my state is such that I am not even aware about myself. Neither I know how to talk to anyone, nor I know how to eat and drink. Neither I change my clothes, nor I bathe. If my family members give me something forcibly to eat, then I eat it. I have become so numb that due to my my father has had a heart attack thrice. I could not tell anyone about that. He died due to this agony but I could not do anything. Our father left us in arrears of Rs. 25 lacs and departed for the hereafter. A lot of my mental illness can be attributed to the attitude of my father as well. Now I neither cry nor laugh. My mind is blocked. Due to this illness I remain inside my house in a locked room. For two years I did not leave my house. I had my own medical store. That has been sold. I am extremely tormented. Now I have become a handicapped person. My brother is bearing my expenses. I have tried to commit suicide once as well. Now the doctors are giving me electric shocks. This is known as ECT in English. Please pray for me that I be redeemed from this torment and take the responsibility of my children. Both of these letters are crying out to parents that for God’s sake develop some feeling and awaken the humane states of your heart. Otherwise the children will be lost from your hands and become a trodden, leftover and abandoned leaf of the society.

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